Monday, May 27, 2013

Scooby Doos Big Air 2

Once again, Scooby and the crew are faced with a skateboarding challenge where they must prove themselves in the half-pipe. Why are they doing this? Well, as it happens, the Scooby gang is followed by a curse, and the only way to break it is to show it that you have the moves of a champion… and since the crew isn't exactly good at skating (they didn't break the curse last time around), their only hope lies in you. In Scooby Doos Big Air 2 you need to start off by rolling your character from left to right using the left and right arrow keys. Once you have reached a high enough speed, you'll be able to launch yourself in the air, at which point you can press the up arrow key to increase his height and speed. When your character begins to come down, you can press down to increase the speed at which he falls. There are various power-ups and extras for you to collect, so keep your eyes open and don't let your character fall off the board, or else the curse wins.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Tired Dog Jigsaw 

This jigsaw puzzle is of an adorable golden retriever puppy! This adorable puppy is so tired from playing that he has lain down on the floor to take a nap. The puzzle has four modes that range from 12 to 192 pieces. You can play in timed or relaxed mode, either way once you finish the puzzle it will tell you how long it took you to solve the puzzle. Once you have solved it will send you on to the next mode, which has even more pieces to solve. To solve the puzzle just click and drag the pieces into place next to their adjoining partners to create the lovely picture. Enjoy the cuteness!

Monday, May 13, 2013

Scooby Doo Terror in Tikal

Scooby and Shaggy have once again found their way into a complicated situation, and they are now forced to solve various logical puzzles to get out alive from Tikal, hopefully finding the rest of the group soon enough. Long story short, Scooby and Shaggy need your expert help in finding clues and solving puzzles; you are their only hope of surviving, so don't disappoint them. In Scooby Doo Terror in Tikal the gameplay is relatively complex, as you not only need to get from one end of the level to the other, but you also need to keep your eyes open for clues and inventory items that are going to help you through obstacles. The arrow keys are used in order to walk, the space bar is used to interact with items in the world, you can save your game or load it at any time by pressing the S and L buttons, and you can press T to exchange the item you are selecting with the next one in the inventory. Finally, remember to watch the fear-o-meter, because if it fills up completely, the game ends.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Brute Wars 2

Animals have vanished, and there are new creations, which are yet to be known in the land of Surnia. Because of this, Otis has bid farewell and has flown to sort out what happened in his beloved land. Now, it’s your time to battle these creatures! With the aid of Otis’ HoloMate Helper v.1.0, you will surely prevail! Start your own party of animal warriors, and concoct your own spells! If you need help, do not hesistate to consult your HoloMate Helper, he knows everything that Otis knows! Don’t back down! Fight! Fight! Fight! But remember, play for FUN!