Monday, July 15, 2013
Doggy Shelter
In Doggy Shelter the owner of the place is going for a little while, and his apprentice it is your duty to fill the shoes of the shelter's owner. It is your responsibility to help each and every dog that comes into the shelter become healthier, cleaner and better fed… all in all, your job is to make the dogs happy. Doggy Shelter is a game that is very easy to play. All you need to do is wait for the dogs to show up at the door, and once they do you simply need to click and hold on them with the left mouse button and put them into a seat. A bubble will appear over their heads as to what they need, and it is always one of the five items on the table in front of you. In order to please a dog, simply click and drag to it the object it's asking for, and then wait for the red bar above their head to turn green.
Dog Games