Monday, July 29, 2013
Farm Doggie
In Farm Doggie you have had enough of guarding the sheep and decide to let your wolf instincts fly; you need to slip past the farmers and steal all of their sheep to make a delicious meal for yourself, worthy of a true wild animal. In Farm Doggie you only need to use the mouse in order to move the dog around, clicking with the left button on where you want him to go. In order to collect the sheep all you need to do is make sure that the dog touches them. The more sheep you capture, the bigger your bag is going to become, meaning that you are going to move more slowly. You also need to keep watch for the farmers who are going to shoot if they see you. Thankfully, you can knock them out for a short time by sneaking up on them from behind. Finally, remember to eat the apples because on top of giving you bonus points, getting ten of them spawns a special item in the level which you can use to your advantage
Dog Games